Any questions regarding "Snail lobe" go to Pg. 281 at the bottom

Final Outline

  1. Nervous and Immune Systems
  2. Circulatory System (heart and fish-gills)
  3. Transport
  4. Muscles
  5. Reproductive
  6. Digestive
  7. Organs
  8. Interpretations (lab examples)
  9. Nephrons
  10. Blood Composition
  11. Carbonic Acid
  12. Meiosis and Mitosis
  13. Cytoplasm
  14. Snail Lobe
  15. Plant (Flower) and animal reproduction
  16. Germination and plant hormones
  17. Genetics and Probability
  18. Hardy-Weinberg
  19. Blood (typing, antibodies, and antigens)
  20. Pedigrees
  21. Genetic Engineering
  22. Evolution (Types of Isolation)
  23. Natural Selection (Darwin)
  24. Carbon 14 Dating
  25. Hominids

Here are the rest we went over during the reviews and during class
Click the links to download them:

Plant Anatomy

Water Balance



Bodies Exhibit Packet

I saw Mrs. Cebulski after school Friday and she asked me to tell everyone to please bring in your bodies exhibit packet on Monday. She said you only had to fill out the sections that we saw and it's going to count as a 100% for a homework assignment/credit.

Fixed Immunity Powerpoint

Bijan has failed us, here is the real link for the Immunity Powerpoint.

Good luck on the test, I probably won't be there tomorrow due to model UN

Click here to download immunity powerpoint

Remeber to get your forms and checks filled out for the Botanical Gardens Field Trip. It's due tomorrow.

Chat is Back!

I re-added the bio chatroom, its at the bottom right hand corner of the page so just scroll down all the way and you should see it.

For those of you that wanted that powerpoint you can download it:


Guys! I saw Mrs. Cebulski C period on Friday and she said that she wanted everyone to go on and watch these videos:

Chapters 29.1

She said that it's EXTREMELY important to know all of the videos on chapter 38 because there's a lot of stuff on te test from that.

Also, be sure you know what turgor pressure is.

Chicken Lab (bawk)

does anyone know what we have to do for the lab? like the info? please post back!


Jake and I are updating the template of the blog and making a few tweaks as we add a new theme. So chat might be down later.

wut up

Semester Exam Honors Bio Outline

1) Scientific method
2) Measuring under the microscope
3) Darwin and natural selection
4) Macromolecules (hint study lipids and proteins as well)
5) Atomic structure and bonding (don’t forget about h- bonding)
6) DNA to RNA to protein (how genetic info is passed)
7) Ph and enzymes (how can you denature them?)
8) Flow of energy and energy conversion + heat + entropy+ 10% rule (ATP)
9) Tropic levels and food web and food chains
10) Chemical cycling of H2O carbon and nitrogen
11) Earths early (ozone O3) composition. ( how did it change overtime)
12) Cyanobacteria and stromatolites
13) Heterotrophic hypothesis all the way to eukaryotic cells
14) Characteristics of living organisms
15) Cellular structure and their functions (prokaryotic and eukaryotic)
16) Single cellular-> colonial-> multi cellular cells
17) Classification and taxonomy
18) The ways in which we classify ie. (aac sequences, DNA hybridizations)
19) Photosynthesis ( look at some limiting factors)
20) Cellular respiration

This is about 90% of the exam, there are some other questions from last year that we haven’t covered yet.

Here is a very helpful powerpoint on C3, C4, and CAM photosynthesis in courtesy of P.J. Larson

Download it here:

Does anyone know the exact format of the lab that is due tomorrow? I know we have to include analysis adn purpose, but do we need to include any observations?


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