Homework for the night?

I wasn't able to catch the homework for tonight. What was it?

bioethics project

I can't seem to figure out how to log onto the noodlebib to site my sources. If anyone knows the username and password I could use it. Also for those that have the gauchers disease project, i haven't been able to find any information on the new experemental treatment. If you know any good sites please tell me.
Dylan K

New Syllabus

Click Here to view!

The new syllabus has arrived, the test date is 10/10.

And a new link was added to the helpful links section, check it out.

text book online

I was just wondering if anyone with a mac was having trouble with using the online text book. Because when it opens all i can view is the cover page, none of the other pages work when i click on them.

Here is the rubric for the Bioethics case study

Click Here for Rubric

so... i know its late

Jeah, I know its a little late, but what was the homework for the weekend?

Mr. Johnson Case Study

how much do we write in each box of the flow chart and what exactly do we write.

Teachers name




Analysis Questions 1-7


Thanks Bijan!  Love the blog, Mrs. C

Hey, here is the information for the biology lab. I think you need to do the analysis questions by our next lab on day 7.

Google Docs link -google doc link

If the top link won't work for you, download from here by entering the verification code on this site then, wait 45 seconds, and press download. The other link will take you straight to the info though so its better.

Also I just added links to helpful sites to the right of the blog.

If anyone wants to help improve the blog's design post a comment saying so and I will grant you admin privileges.

My current goal: adding live chat to the site so people can chat about biology/labs/assignments, also to find a better template for the site.

Another update: I embedded a chatroom, changed the template

Important: Post through your dashboard, the new template has a few issues nothing major, it just makes it harder to post and edit. Jake and I will fix this tomorrow during our free.


Welcome to the honors d period biology blog. I'm not sure if everyone has permissions to post so if you want to post tell me your account name in a comment, and I will give you permissions. Please feel free to start posting and discussing.

UPDATE: I just sent invitations to everyone that had their email on the list (23 invites in total) so there is one person i need to get an email from. If you did not receive an invitation in your email just post a comment or email me at btehrani08@gmail.com


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