Hey, here is the information for the biology lab. I think you need to do the analysis questions by our next lab on day 7.
Google Docs link -google doc link
If the top link won't work for you, download from here by entering the verification code on this site then, wait 45 seconds, and press download. The other link will take you straight to the info though so its better.
Also I just added links to helpful sites to the right of the blog.
If anyone wants to help improve the blog's design post a comment saying so and I will grant you admin privileges.
My current goal: adding live chat to the site so people can chat about biology/labs/assignments, also to find a better template for the site.
Another update: I embedded a chatroom, changed the template
Important: Post through your dashboard, the new template has a few issues nothing major, it just makes it harder to post and edit. Jake and I will fix this tomorrow during our free.
Also, I will probably finish the Flash menu by next week because the only time I will be available will be during the weekends.